Laser skin treatment

How can they be treated?
Skin Care Specialist Vellore

Are Skin Tags, Warts and Moles different ? How can they be treated?

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The longest and the most complex organ is the skin. It protects the body and the pores in the skin helps in breathing and perspiration. Some of the common skin ailments that feature include moles, warts and skin tags. All these appear suddenly and are different from one another yet can be confused with one another. This blog helps to understand each condition and how they can be treated.

It is important to understand these skin growths before you opt for a treatment method. Laser skin treatment Chennai are available at reputed clinics to give relief from various skin conditions.

Warts known as human papillomarvirus (HPV) can appear anywhere in the body but most commonly found on hands and feet. They are round in shape and rough in texture. Flat warts are also found around the skin. Small projects of 1-2mm are found around the eyes or lips known as Filiform warts.

Moles are dark brown, small and black spots on the skin, either round or oval in shape. They are flat or raised either smooth or rough with or without hair. Moles are caused due to exposure to sun or may be genetic.

Skin tags are soft, flesh coloured bumps that hang from the skin and are found around the neck, groin and armpits. These are small and have stalk. It is caused due to friction or in person with diabetes or obesity.

The difference between the three skin conditions are its appearance, causes, location and treatment. Unlike moles, skin tags and warts do not turn into skin cancer. The best treatment option for surgical removal of skin tags, warts or moles is laser therapy. Helios offers best skin laser treatment in Chennai. Helios Skin is well equipped to handle all types of skin conditions.