Eating Chocolate

Is eating chocolate good for the skin?

Is eating chocolate good for the skin?

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There is mixed opinion of whether chocolate is good for the skin. Though, some studies reveal that it protects your skin from sun damage, not all agree to it. So, can chocolate improve your skin health, let’s check out in this blog on the benefits and harms of chocolate on the skin.

To start with let’s analyse the health benefits of chocolate. Dark chocolate is good for gut health and controls cholesterol levels. It has higher levels of antioxidants and reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Now, coming to the benefits of chocolate on our skin here are some that can take you by surprise. The best skin clinic Helios offers the latest and sophisticated technologies supported by experts to give you a glowing skin.

Extensive exposure to sunlight can leave you with sunburns. Higher the exposure to sunlight greater is the chances of skin aging and cancer. Chocolate has higher antioxidant content protecting your skin from the damaging ultraviolet rays. Raw cocoa beans have higher flavanol levels, a type of antioxidant. But the bad news is; most of the flavonols are lost in the chocolate making process. Today, chocolate manufacturers are using new methods to preserve the flavanols during the process.

Dark chocolate improves skin hydration and it makes your skin appear radiant and plump protecting your skin from flakiness and dryness. Chocolate stimulates blood circulation aiding in cell rejuvenation. With overall health goodness it does make your skin young, glowing and radiant.

Dark chocolate has anti-inflammatory property safeguarding your skin from redness and acne. The collagen secretion makes your skin firm and elastic giving you a youthful appearance. Collagen protects skin from wrinkles and fine lines.

Dark chocolate has essential minerals like zinc, copper and iron absolutely necessary for a healthy skin. The minerals play a vital role in maintaining a balanced complexion. It is a well-known secret that dark chocolate reduces stress levels and promotes skin health. Lower the stress, lesser the skin issues.

If you are looking for a glowing healthy skin, contact Helios Clinics for best skin treatment in Chennai and Vellore.